Hey that was my idea!

Have you ever had a bloody genius idea, that you think “if you get the idea to market you’d make millions” as an entrepreneur? If you have innovators as friends or have had those moments as well, you might have probably heard how they taught of an idea and had been planning for it only to be hit with Facebook or Instagram ads about their dream project.
Well don’t be sad, and yes, nobody stole your idea. Ideas are like rain, they fall from heaven (or the cosmos) just like rain falls on everyone. Some run away from the rain chanting 🎶 “rain rain go away come again another day” while others collect it in a bucket for re-use. Somewhere else there is a farmer who has planted 10-acres of seeds and seedlings and he has been praying for the rain. Another entrepreneur has built a reservoir almost the size of a small lake to store water for all seasons, so he can water his lawn, water a farm all year round, even has a fish pond and has five other ways he was able to monetize his collected water, selling it to others in the community.
That’s the same way ideas come, when it hits someone who is not prepared for it in any way, you push it off, run away from it, even tease the idea to a friend, you guys laugh it off, two months later, you’re seeing ads for a business that has your ideas. Well, whoever made that business was probably like the farmer or the entrepreneur who were better prepared for the idea.
You most often need money to take an idea to market, but asides money, you also need some other vitals skills. Some of these skills go beyond professional skills some are interpersonal as well. Getting yourself prepared for rain means you need to keep learning always to await the next rain, learn a new skill, learn other methods and practices, take professional courses, network, get templates that will help you plug in your idea like a missing puzzle piece and have your business come alive.
I’d recommend learning finance if rain falls a lot in your area since it is essential to do business analysis and forecasts or handle other critical aspects of the overall business, if you’re going to to a founder, cofounder or you will be in management, you would need soft and managerial skills, and whatever relevant professional skill is required for the business.
Written by Mundez
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