
Showing posts from August, 2023

Why Python is a leader in Data analysis and visualization Vs others

Todays world is undoubtedly ruled by data so why is python a leader in the data ecosystem?  Let’s dive into it.  Everyone has played with some form of data from spreadsheets to databases everywhere from work, school or online, data is in everything we do. Websites like Google, Wikipedia, Facebook all use data to show pages and run ads, images and layouts.   Who can escape the world of data, quite honestly, no one, a simple click on a website is databased, your preferences on e-commerce sites, your hospital records, bank records, tax, everything is data kept as records in a database somewhere in private or public domains.  Data is at its most basic, ones and zeros, but that’s at a computer level. The alphabets you type on a computer are ones and zeros but written as a human language you can understand. These human readable numbers and alphabets are what’s stored as data in most records be it a spreadsheet, an XML, JSON or CSV that’s later stored in actual databases li...